Friday, April 26, 2013

The Value of Gym Classes

Authors note: This is an essay we had to right for Fitness. This is my take on it.

We’ve had a variant of Fitness classes in this school district since all way back in Kindergarten. Back then we just called in gym. When we got into Horizon, it was called PE. Now that we’re here in Asa, it’s just called Fitness and Health. In every variant of the class, it has always provided a lot of value towards me.

Gym class has always provided me a good amount of exercise. I don’t play many sports anymore and I need to get some somehow. Gym has been my primary source of exercise for a while now. I feel like it has helped me improve my health and I feel a lot more comfortable running and moving around now, near the end of middle school, than when I started it.

Not only has it provided me exercise, its also given me some fun with friends. Playing a game or just passing a ball back and forth at the start of class, we get a lot of time to talk and just have fun. It also helps gain new friends as well.

Gym and physical activity is very valuable to me. I think gym is a very important class class to help keep us fit and healthy and also give us some social interaction. It’s an essential break we need from just sitting in a classroom working all day.

Monday, April 22, 2013

The Circuit Inference Analysis

Author's Note: This is a Inference Analysis on the short story "The Circuit" by Francisco JimĂ©nez. 

The Circuit is a very interesting short story. The story is about a poor hispanic family that works in farming fields. Whenever they start to run low on money or a certain picking season ends, whether it be strawberry or grape picking season or whatever, they need to migrate to a new place to keep getting money. While I didn’t exactly understand at first, The Circuit definitely has a few things you can take from it.

The main character has to move and leave his home after every harvesting season. Moving is a very hard thing to do sometimes. After you finally get get used to the home, you don’t want to leave it. You become too used to it. You’ll miss it. I think the writer was trying to describe and teach how hard it is too move to a completely new place. He couldn’t sleep the night before the move. He hated the idea so much.

His family lived a harsh life, especially when they moved to their new home. All they did was work, work and work more. They didn’t even get a proper home, they got a dirty garage to sleep in. Eventually when November came he was able to finally go to school after having to hide out of site from the cops for not going. He was alone, scared and nervous. He met a teacher who became his friend who taught him how to play a trumpet. He was finally happy again with his new home.  But then the season was over and they had to move again. That’s a pretty harsh life and I think the writer was trying to express how hard some people have got it.

In conclusion, The Circuit was a pretty good short story. While there isn’t exactly any direct moral or lesson to be learned if you ask me, there still something to be learned. Not everyone’s got it so easy.