Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is the 4th installment of the Harry Potter books. It is one of and probably the longest book in the series other than Deathly Hollows. J.K. Rowling’s writing is probably the most vivid and exciting in this book out of all the others before it. Harry’s struggle with friendship, mystery, and championship is a story like no other. With it being a long and vivid book, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is the best book in the series that I’ve read so far.
J.K. Rowling’s writing overall in any book is quite unique. So far every book in the series has been in 3rd person, however, they always seem like they are in Harry’s perspective; almost as if in 1st person. Not only that, but sometimes, it seems to be going with you almost as if it is in present tense opposed to past tense. For instance; sometimes the narrator will be talking about what’s going on and then start seeming as if it’s Harry’s thoughts. Then the description is cut off by an event going off which is similar to interrupting Harry’s thought process. In this book it especially shows this a lot more than compared to the earlier installments.
There are many lessons taught in this book. One is about friendship. In the beginning Ron gets mad at Harry because he always gets all the attention. He thinks that he put name in the goblet of fire when he was too young, but Harry pledges multiple times that he did not. For a lot of chapters the fight goes on. Soon Hermione knocks some sense into them. Thus, the lesson is sometimes you need to trust your friends and not get jealous.
Another lesson taught in this book is related to trust. There are 3 schools coming together to compete in a tri-wizard tournament. Harry and Ron don’t trust the other schools because they are suspecting that one of their leaders put Harry’s name in the goblet of fire. In turns out that the players of the tournament were on his side after all, and none of the schools put his name in the fire. Hermione also went to the prom with one of the champions. She trusted him.
In conclusion, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is the best book that I’ve read from the series. Although some might say Deathly Hollows is the best, I haven’t gotten that far in the series yet. None the less, Goblet of Fire is still one of the best books in the series and is my favorite right now.
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