Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Will you be a hero?

Authors Note: This essay is in response to the article "No Escape (hero)." I didn't have that much in response to the article other than one statement so I feel this got a litte repetitive. But I tried my best.

What if you had to risk your life for somebody else’s? Would you do it? What if you didn’t save them and you had to remember that for the rest of your life. You could have saved them, but you didn’t want to risk your own life.  This is what Hoip “Ali” Swaby had to decide in a short amount of time. When a few workers (including Ali) were working in a tunnel in Massachusetts, there was a breach of water in which filled the tunnel up quickly.

Ali was lucky that he was able to get to a man cage, which another co-worker was operating above them, before his other co-workers. He tried to get their attention but they couldn’t see him or hear him. The cage was already going up. In a situation as lethal as this, workers are supposed to evacuate as soon as possible, but Ali wasn’t going to leave them down there and let them die. He went back down and got them out just as the water was up to their necks. What if he hadn’t done that? How would he go on knowing that it was his fault they died?
This kind of situation is always risky. You can’t be selfish or else you’ll feel guilty. You could be brave, but you could end up dying and end with no one alive. The worst part is how much time you actually get to make your decision.  What if the next time you’re on a cruise the boat crashes into another ship and starts to sink? You would be lucky enough to be at the top of the ship, but your friend is stuck inside were the water is floating in! You could stay where you are home free and wait for the emergency boats to go, or you could save your friend stuck inside the flooding ship. Either way you wouldn’t have much time to think at all and you’d be under a lot of pressure.

So what will you do if you ever end up in a situation like this? Either way can end up bad but will you take the chance? Will you be a coward and feel guilty the rest of your live? Or will you be a savior of a soul. Will you be a hero?

1 comment:

  1. wow that's a difficult question, I guess you would have to actually be in a situation like that to really mean your awenser. But anywho I think you might want to decrease the font size.
