Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The Good Guys and Bad Guys

Author's Note: this is a point of view piece about Harry Potter. 

Books, and stories in general usually include a “good guys” side and a “bad guys” side. Usually the point of view the book is told in is considered “the good side”. Every single Harry Potter book has remained mainly in the point of few of Harry. The only time they are not are in the first chapters of the books which usually consist of someone else’s point of few to show something going on meanwhile, which is sometimes shown in the “bad guys” point of few.

With Harry’s POV, we feel his emotions, thoughts, and senses on every situation. If we were in someone else’s perspective we wouldn’t get to experience his true thoughts or opinions on events. We would only see what’s on the outside. For instance, when Dumbledore dies in Harry’s perspective, it’s narrated in a sad, emotional way with Harry’s mental reactions mixed into it. We wouldn’t get to hear him scream “NO!”  in his head if it weren’t in his point of view or feel his hatred towards the killer.

But what if instead of feeling Harry’s mental reactions in his point of few, what if we got it from the “bad guys” view? Mentioned before, what if the whole series was written in the perspective of Voldemort and his men as opposed to just a chapter? Instead of Harry being described as a hero you’re rooting for and feeling, Harry is  portrayed as a foolish brat who always seems to escape from death with luck. Instead of rooting for him and wanting him to kill Voldemort, you’d want him to be defeated by Voldemort. If the Dumbledore scene mentioned before were written in a Death Eater’s perspective it would probably be written in a more triumph tone rather than sad and heart hitting. You wouldn’t be sad Dumbledore died, you’d be relieved the opponent was finally defeated.  

1 comment:

  1. I think my piece get's about a 9 since it seems to have met most of the requirements on the checklist.
